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Hoodoo Formulas (and what they do!)

Hoodoo Uncrossing/Unjinxing Spell
Hoodoo Uncrossing/Unjinxing Spell

Attraction-to attract money, love, luck, success

Better Business– to bring in customers and increase profit

Banishing– to rid of unwanted energies

Black Arts– aids in destructive spells

Break Up– to break up lovers/couple

Binding– to bind someone

Boss Fix– compel the boss to give you raise

Black Cat– lucky oil for gamblers

Chinese Wash – cleanser

Clarity– gain clearer insight & knowledge

Come to Me– to attract a new lover

Commanding– to bring one under your command

Court Case– to get judge and jury to rule in your favor

Crossing– enemy work/bring on crossed conditions

Crucible of Courage– gain courage/bravery

Crown of Success– financial/school/or career success

Cut & Clear– rid yourself of energy left by an EX

Dream– to dream true or have prophetic dreams

Devil’s Shoestring– luck or protection

Devil Made Me Do It– naughty meets sweet innocence, when you’ve been busted and need a “scapegoat”

Dirty Southern Girl– southern belle with southern hospitality by day, but a dirty, sexy girl by night

Essence of Bend Over– impose your will on other

Evil Eye Protection– protect from evil, prying eyes

Exorcism– to rid of demons

Fast Luck– quick luck in love or money

Female Domination– to rule over a lover

Fear Not Walk Over Evil– protect from tricks laid for you

Fiery Wall of Protection– protection from enemy

Follow Me Boy– to make a man follow you!

Follow Me Girl – to make a girl follow you!

Forever Yours– passion, loyalty, peace in union

Five Finger’s Grass– for success

For Love’s Sake– finding true love

Goofer Dust (powder only)- nasty dust to bring the worst conditions on an enemy

Gambling Luck- luck in gambling

Healing– physical, mental, emotional

Holy Blessings– bless marriage, baby, house, etc.

Hot Foot– drive out unwanted people

Inflammatory Confusion– cause misunderstandings & fights

Intranquility– to call on the Intranquility spirit

Jezebel– meet men who will shower you with money and gifts

John the Conqueror– increase personal power and mastery, draw money, restore male nature

King Solomon the Wise– know & make wise decisions

Kiss Me Now!– to bring passion or new sexual affair

Lodestone– attracts love, luck or money

Loan Me Money– to get a loan from the bank or someone else

Lady Luck– to play lucky numbers

Look Me Over– get attention drawn to you

Love Me – to cause one to love you

Lucky Hand– gamblers, lucky chances

Marriage– bless a new marriage or get your lover to propose

Master– increase mastery skill, power, leadership, etc.

Money Drawing– draws money

Move Out/Stay Out– to move a neighbor, renter, or someone living w/ you

Money Stay w/ Me– make money last longer

Panic Stricken– strike fear and panic in your opponent

Passion Delight– enhance your passion and romance

Pay Me– get your money that is owed to you

Peaceful Home– bring calm, peacefulness in home

Prosperity– bring wealthy ways

Psychic Vision– enhance insight or dreams

Queen Elizabeth– contains queens root

Return To Me– to get a lost lover or friend to return

Reconciliation– reconcile with loved one/friend

Reversing– reverse tricks laid on you/sends it back

Revenge – to get revenge on a foe or enemy

Road Opener– remove blockages and open new path

Rue– contains rue herb, clearing and protecting herb

Spirit Guide– bring spirit guides to you and your work

Spiritual Cleansing– cleanse the spirit especially after magical work

Safe Travel– For traveling safely

Sex Appeal– enhance your sex appeal to others

Stay With Me– hold your lover/ensure fidelity/stop your lover from cheating

Steady Work– gain new employment/maintain it/get a raise at your job

Stop Gossip– stop backbiters, stop betrayal

Uncrossing/Unjinxing– remove jinxes on you and uncross evil sent to you

Van Van– opening the way, dressing mojo bags

Wealthy Way– bring wealth and prosperity

Victory– win over your opponent

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