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The Various Types of Witchcraft

Celtic Pentagram
Celtic Pentagram

African: An umbrella term for the many types of magic practiced in Africa. Alexandrian: Founded in Britain the 1960's by Alex and Maxine Sanders and based on ritual and ceremonial magic. Ancestral: An ancient form of magic based around contacting the spirits of the dead and communicating with one's ancestors. Angel Witch: Practitioners of magic who communicate and work with angels and other divine beings. Animist: A witch who is in tune with nature and all living things on the planet. One who sees no distinction between humans, animals, plants, or any other physical object in the world.Art Witch: A magical practitioner who works with art as their primary medium Arthurian Witch: Magic based around the old legends of King Arthur. Astarte: An occult order that worships the ancient Greek goddess of fertility and war. Astrology Witch: A witch who uses astrology in their magic and lifestyle on. Augury: A witch who divines omens, signs, and symbols. Axis Mundi: The belief in a central pillar that connects earth to the heavens.British Traditional Witchcraft: Local traditions, superstitions and spellcasting that sprung up all over the British Isles. Celtic Witch: Based on the study and worship of ancient Celtic deities, mythology, earth magic, and ceremonial rites. Ceremonial: A term that refers to practitioners of "high magick." Chaos Magic: A contemporary magical practice that blends all types of magic and is based on strong belief in the magic being used. Chthonioi: A variation of the Alexandrian tradition that also includes the pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses. Crystal Witch: A witch who focuses on using crystals in their magical practices. Dianic Witchcraft: An offshoot of Wicca which focuses on female deities. It is named after Diana, the Roman goddess of hunting, nature, and the Moon. Divination: A witch who specializes in divination, such as tarot cards, scrying, or other such means of discovering occult and hidden information. Dowser: A practitioner who uses the ancient art of dowsing to locate the ley lines that encircle the globe. Druid: Practitioners of the ancient Celtic religion. Earth-Based Witchcraft; Gaia: Nature-centric witchcraft based around old European traditions centered on harmony with the earth. Eclectic Witch: A witch that embraces all types of magic and magical traditions, refusing to be pinned down to one type of magical practice. Eco-Paganism: Someone who is an environmental activist who uses magical practices to defend the earth and help raise awareness of environmental issues. Egyptian Witchcraft: Magical practitioners who incorporate ancient Egyptian deities and magic into their arsenal. They may incorporate Wiccan traditions as well. Elemental Witch: A witch who works with the five esoteric elements: fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. European: An umbrella term for all of the witchcraft and magical traditions of Europe. Faery: Based on ancient folklore from the British Isles. Fellowship of Isis: An occult order based around the worship of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. Floral Witch: A witch who works primarily with flowers Folk Witchcraft: This magical tradition is closely related to both British witchcraft (and its derivations) and Faery. Gardnerian: A version of Wicca based on the writings of Gerald Brosseau Gardner. The Gardnerian tradition is a highly structured form of witchcraft. It is coven-based and has a formal progression through degrees of initiation. Practices are kept secret, and many members keep their affiliation to their coven secret also. Green Witchcraft: A witch who bases their magical practice around things such as gardening and herbalism. Healer: Someone who uses healing magic. Hearth Witch: A witch who practices magic that is focused on the home. Hedge Witch: A solitary practitioner who follows their own path and a herbalist, who mixes up potions and brews in their kitchen. Hellenic: A form of magic and paganism based on the worship of the ancient Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses. Hereditary Witch: Handed down along the family line, hereditary witchcraft is unique to each family and contains many aspects of traditional paganism. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: An organization devoted to the study of the occult and ancient magic. Founded in England in the early 20th century, the organization helped revive interest in occult studies in Europe. Kitchen Witch: A witch who practices magic in the home and in the kitchen in particular.Law of Attraction: Witchcraft that is based on the now-popular Law of Attraction. Left-Hand Path: Witches who reject normal magical conventions and engage in the breaking of taboos. Lounge Witch: A witch who restricts their witchcraft to the home. Luciferian: Those magical practitioners who invoke and worship Lucifer, who is revered as the bringer of light and the morning star. Lunar Witch: A witch who works with the lunar cycles. Musical Witch: A witch who expresses feelings and thoughts through music. Neo-Pagan: An umbrella term that refers to the resurgence in all kinds of witchcraft and the ‘new’ earth-based customs. Norse: Known as seiðr or seidh, Norse witchcraft is based upon the ancient religion of Scandinavia. Satanic: A cult of defiance against the constructs of a dictatorial society, the church, and traditional magic. Scandinavian: A type of witchcraft practiced in northern Europe and derived from ancient Norse magic. Sea Witch: Practitioners of water-based magic who normally live in coastal areas. Secular Witch: A practitioner of magic that does not worship any deities. Shaman: A broad term used to describe a magician who works magic by deliberately entering an altered state of consciousness. Shinto: An ancient Japanese religion that is based around the worship of spirits known as Kami. Sigil or Word Witch: A practitioner of magic who uses sigils and weaves words into their magic. Solitary Witch: A witch who generally conceals their witchiness and works alone. Stregheria: An Italian form of witchcraft that has a lot in common with Wicca. Tech Witch: Someone who uses modern technology to aid in their witchcraft, such as using a microwave instead of a cauldron. Thelema: Founded by famed occultist Aleister Crowley, Thelema centers around ceremonial rituals and interpretations of ancient Egyptian rituals. Wicca: A form of modern paganism founded in England in the mid 20th century.

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