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10 Good Things About Magick (and How To Make It Work for You!)

Updated: Dec 25, 2018

Hoodoo Money-Drawing Spell
Hoodoo Money-Drawing Spell

Here are ten ways magick can help to make your life better. It can:

1. Improve your love life 2. Attract prosperity 3. Keep you and your loved ones safe from harm 4. Enhance your health. 5. Protect your home and personal property 6. Open new career opportunities 7. Give you more control over your life 8. Improve interactions with family, friends, and co-workers 9. Ward off problems and enemies 10. Strengthen your intuition and psychic skills

Those who do not understand magick have made it seem weird or evil, and Hollywood sensationalizes it to the point of absurdity. There is nothing scary, strange, or silly about the magick we do. It’s a natural ability you were born with. A talent you can develop just like musical or mathematical talent. All it takes is the desire, a little training, and practice.


The truth is, magick is all in the mind. Mostly the tools just help you to stay focused. What you think is what you get. The manifestation may not be immediate, although it can be. If your belief and your intent are strong enough, if you bring passion to your spell, and if you can focus your energy clearly toward a specific goal, then you have a good chance of achieving what you want!

Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish and stating your intention with absolute clarity is essential whenever performing a spell. Otherwise, your spells could backfire.

The fact is, you are doing magick all the time, whether you realize it or not. The Law of Attraction states that your thoughts, emotions, and actions affect the energetic patterns around you, and the most significant “tools” in magick are your thoughts and feelings. That is why it is always important to use your magickal power with clear intent, so you can produce the results you truly desire.

Underlying all magick is a simple principle of Physics: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” So, be careful what you ask for!

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