Danielin February

Dec 5, 20181 min

Keep Him Faithful

Black candle on the altar


- 1 Green Candle
- Caraway seeds

- 1 Green pouch
- A lock of his hair or nail clippings

- Gold-colored ribbon

Best done on a Friday at midnight as near to a full moon as possible.

Light a green candle, then place some caraway sends in a green pouch. In herbal lore these seeds are said to have the power to make a lover remain faithful.

Ad a lock of his hair or his nail clippings and close the pouch.

Wrap the gold-colored ribbon around the pouch and tie in 7 knots.

As you do this, say:

"_______, I name you as my love.
With this spell I bind you close to my heart, that you shall never stray.
With this spell I bind your eyes, that they shall be attracted only to me.
With this spell I bind your lips that you speak words of seduction only to me.
With this spell I bind your body that you shall desire only me.
All this I do will until I say otherwise,
By sun and by moon, by night and day,
As I do will so shall it be."

Hide the pouch somewhere where your man either sits or sleeps or failing that, just ensure that it is placed away from prying eyes.
