Danielin February

Dec 6, 20182 min

Full Moon Love Spell


a cup of Milk
a spoon of honey
a handful of chips of red sandalwood
a small amount of Jasmine flowers (dried or fresh)red rose petals
a pentagrama cauldron or bowl
a white candle

We start by invoking the Goddess and God, or if not pagan the Higher Power that you feel comfortable with. The invocation should end with the following phrase: “This sacred night I summon you to bring unconditional love in my life, and as I light this Flame let love find me shining like a beacon from the skies.” When finished you light the white candle.

Look at the flame and say: “Fire, element of passion and warmth, I call upon you this night. A new partner I invoke, bless him/her with your light, to bring warmth to my days and nights.”

Place the pentagram in front of you and say: “Light of the Stars, bring to me tonight a new lover in my life. Balanced may him/her be, grant me your light to recognise him/her from our first sight. And as I said so be it.”

Place the bowl on the pentagram and say:

“May this love be pure and nutritious as milk is to the children.”

Pour the milk in the bowl. And “May this love be as sweet and come quickly to me as the bees are drawn to honey.”

Add the honey to the milk. Take the chips of red sandalwood and say: “And may this love be blessed with good luck to overcome all challenges.”

Take the red rose petals: “And may this love remain strong and fragrant as the roses bloom.” Add the rose petals.

Finally, grab the Jasmine flowers and say : “And may this love be sealed with love and the Blessings of the Moon!.” And as I said so be it.

Take the bowl in your arms and say: “Sweet elixir of love, I summon you in my life. By the Moon and the Stars, I ask for my wish to be granted. New Love will come and New love will be. And as I said so shall it be!”

Leave the remaining of the concoction to stay for the night, under the moonlight if possible. Let the candle burn to the end. When finished, release all remains by other burying them to the ground or in clear running water. Your wish should be granted by the next Full Moon, otherwise the spell should be repeated.
