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Here is Your Basic Wiccan Full Moon Ritual


Altar with Elemental representations of Earth (Salt), Air (Incense), Fire (Red working candle) and Water (Water).  Ritual cakes (any natural bread or cake, no junk food) Wine or Ale (anything from the fruit of the vine/grain, fermented or not) Gold and Silver God/Goddess Candles Quarter Candles - Green (North), Yellow (East), Red (South) and Blue (West) Matches or lighter Wand or Athamé for casting circle Chalice or Cup for Libation for God and Goddess Separate Wine Glass or Cup for yourself or dieties Any other items needed for specific spell work


Pick up the athame and draw an invoking pentagram in the air above the altar. Replace the athame and say this invocation:

"Blessed Be, Instruments of Light, Tools now of magick with power and might."


Hold your hand over the water and salt and pass your hand over the element 3 times to banish, and then hold your hand steady to bless. Visualize a sparkling light surrounding and infusing the element while reciting:

"Element of (Earth, Water), I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the Lord and Lady.  I bring their blessings upon you now. So mote it be."

Pour the consecrated salt into the consecrated water. Light the red working candle, cleanse and consecrate the candle (fire) as done above while reciting:

"Element of (Fire), I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the Lord and Lady.  I bring their blessings upon you now. So mote it be."

Use the consecrated fire it to light the incense. Then cleanse and consecrate the smoke from the incense (air) as done above while reciting:

"Element of (Air), I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the Lord and Lady.  I bring their blessings upon you now. So mote it be." 

Take the water/salt and go once clockwise around the circle. While walking the circle disperse the elements using a sprigs of herbs. Recite: "Powers of Water and Earth this circle grace. Purify, cleanse, and bless this space."

Take up the incense and go once clockwise around the circle. While walking the circle disperse the elements using a fan or feathers. Recite: "Powers of Fire and Air this circle grace. Purify, cleanse, and bless this space."


Face east. Hold your athamé out at waist level. Walk clockwise thrice around the circle perimeter charging it with this chant as you visualize the energy coming from your athame to create the circle. Recite one verse for each of the three circles: 

Maiden, cast your circle white, Weave a web of healing light. Round and Round the Circle's Cast, Joining Present, Future and Past

Mother, cast your circle red, Weave the strands of family threads. This Sacred Space shall now be Bound, As I cast this Circle Round.

Old Crone, cast your circle black, Weave the wisdom that we lack. Thrice is the Circle cast this Night/Day and now begins my Magick Rite/Way.

Once the circle has been cast, salute in the following way:

Take up athame and point it to the sky, while saying, "As above..." Then lower athame to point it at the ground, while saying, "So below."


Starting in the East and moving clockwise around to the North, light the corresponding elemental candle, and then invoke the quarter:

"Hail Mighty Ones of the Eastern Tower. Guard this circle with your power. Powers of Air weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.  Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast." "Hail Mighty Ones of the Southern Tower. Guard this circle with your power. Powers of Fire weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.  Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast."

"Hail Mighty Ones of the Western Tower. Guard this circle with your power. Powers of Water weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.  Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast."

"Hail Mighty Ones of the Northern Tower. Guard this circle with your power. Powers of Earth weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.  Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast."


Light the gold God candle:

"I call to the God. Spark of the Spirit Eternal,  Lord of the Wild Hunt, Judge of Gods and Men.  Shining God of the Sun's rays, Who walks with me through all my days, Into my circle, I invoke you, To bless and guide all that I do. Hail and welcome."

Light the silver Goddess candle:

"I call to the Goddess. Beauty of the Green Earth, White Moon among the Stars, Mysteries of the Waters. Shimmering Goddess of the Moon's light, Who guides me through the dark of night, Into my circle, I invoke you. To bless and guide all that I do. Hail and welcome."


Pour some wine into the libation dish and say, "To the Lord and Lady!"

Fill the altar goblet with wine. Hold up the altar goblet and say, "I drink to the God and Goddess." Take a sip from the goblet, and say, "Blessed Be."


Insert optional ritual for sabbat or intended spell work here.


Take up the plate with the cakes and say "May I never hunger." Take a bite, and then say, "Blessed Be."

Take up the wine and say "May I never thirst." Take a sip of the wine and and then say, "Blessed Be."

Give thanks for one thing that you are thankful for, and request assistance for one thing that you are in need of.


Starting in the North, and moving counter-clockwise around the circle to the East, go to each quarter and say the following release then extinguish the elemental candle:

"To all those in the Northern sphere, I release you now, depart from here. I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be."

"To all those in the Western sphere, I release you now, depart from here. I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be."

"To all those in the Southern sphere, I release you now, depart from here. I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be."

"To all those in the Eastern sphere, I release you now, depart from here. I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be."


Say: "I give thanks to the God for guarding my circle and joining my rite. Hail and farewell." 

Extinguish the gold candle.

Say:  "I give thanks to the Goddess for guarding my circle and joining my rite. Hail and farewell." 

Extinguish the silver candle.


Take the Athamé or Wand and retract the energy of the circle back into yourself moving counter-clockwise beginning in the north around to the east using the following chant:

"Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around. I now Dissolve this Sacred Space and send all Powers back to place.

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around. Stay if you can, Go if you must, with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around. My Work is finished for the Night/Day and now I End my Magick Rite/Way."

Once the circle is closed, say the following salute:

"The circle is open, but unbroken." Spell from

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