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A Simple Success and Money Spell

Black Spell Bag Carrying Assorted-Colored Rune Stones
Black Spell Bag Carrying Assorted-Colored Rune Stones

You will need: one golden candle, one dark green candle. They represent business and money. Then you will need orange oil and Patchouli oil. Best time for the ritual: for money and success spell is best time period of waxing moon till full moon, days Thursday or Sunday. Ritual instructions: Spread oils on both candles. S tart in the middle of the candle and move to the upper edge, let fingers loose the candle. Then, again, move from the upper part to the middle and continue to the lower part. Place dark green candle to the left and golden candle to the right side. Light up dark green candle and then golden candle. Then, say aloud your wish. Wish should be formulated in positive way and said in present time, as if it has already come true. After saying your desire, concentrate as strong as possible on your wish, visualize it so that you can see it in front of you clearly. Then, leave the candles burn down completely.

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