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White Magic Success Spell

Bag of Runes With a Rose on an Open Book.
Bag of Runes With a Rose on an Open Book.

YOU WILL NEED: - A photo of yourself - 4 green candles - Few drops of essential oil for your astrological sign - Amber incense - 10 bay leaves - 2 green fluorite crystals or orgonite containing fluorite money. - A bill of any denomination will do. - Offering bowl Dress in white when you perform this spell. Purify yourself by washing your hands and then applying a few drops of your essential oil. To prepare your circle, place the green candles at each cardinal point, and the white candle in front of you. Place the incense to the left of the white candle. Put the bay leaves, fluorite stones, and the bank note into a bowl, and put this on the right of the white candle. Put your photo in front of the candle. Now, ground and center yourself, then draw your circle, lighting each green candle in turn, and finally the white candle in front of you. Us the white candle to light the incense. Take the white candle,, and drop a few drops of wax on your picture. Take the offering bowl in both hands and concentrate on your photo. Recite this incantation for personal success three times: "Success is coming soon to me, prosperity is flowing unto me, so mote it be." Now sit in silence for awhile and visualize having complete financial freedom. Money is flowing easily to you -- you are in total flow and abundance. Imagine what that would be like. Immerse yourself in the feeling of it. The longer you can hold this happy image in your mind, the better. When you feel done, extinguish all candles ending with the white candle. Close the circle and let the incense burn to the end. Afterwards, whenever you think of money or professional success, remember the happy feelings of the abundance visualization, and get into that feeling again. If you find yourself worrying, immediately recite the above incantation, and refocus your thoughts toward abundance, knowing that the more you think positively about youf future success, the quicker you will draw it into your life.

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