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The Life of a Spell Caster

Mind Body and Soul Spell with three blue candles, white male candle, and herbs surrounded by tarot cards for healing.
Mind, Body and Soul Spell for a Client of Mine

As I have said many times before, I never would have thought that I would be doing spell work for others many years before I began this quest. With my empathy and strong need to help others, I decided to delve into this believing that I have been through enough tragedy, sorrow, and pain in my life to relate to others' pain as well. This way of helping others is very unorthodox to some, but others have really believed in me and my work to thank me time and time again for the help and individual attention I can give them as a person. This makes every second of my workday that much more special! On that note, I put so much of myself into my spell casting that I hardly ever take a day off to rest from talking to clients, shopping (more like searching frantically) for spell items, and then the spell itself which takes loads of energy to cast. First of all, if you are wanting to do what I do by performing spells on other's behalf, I suggest you buckle up baby because once it starts there is sometimes no slowing down all of the questions, stories, and heartache you will hear on a daily basis. I have to force myself to take at least one day off a week at times to recover from some of the negativity I hear in some of my client's lives. It wears on me (empath), and I need a moment to cope with the reality of it... Saying this is not at all pointing a negative finger at my clients or to lesson the importance and desperation of their issues which are very serious and extremely important in order to do my get the jist of it. I stay up all hours of the night on most nights. I sometimes do not sleep at all since phone calls and emails can begin pouring in as early as 3am. This I don't mind in the least. It's not money I crave, although it does help out. I really enjoy the fact that I am trusted by other's after I ask the opening question, "What seems to be going on?" or "What can I help you with?"....This starts sometimes a 15 minute to sometimes a 1 hour conversation with a client who is in pain and agony, or just needs help in their life to get where they need to be. Then, I will sort out a spell casting plan for them, giving them a few options to go by, and at times my spell casting services are not needed at all. Sometimes people just need to let it all out and talk to someone. This is a lonely world with many lonely people in it. I want to help as many people as I can possibly help. This can be very exhausting at times, and I'm sure I will have to schedule times to speak to people in the near future if it gets to be any busier for me. For the time-being, I seem to have a grasp on this thing, and I absolutely love what I do. I love the excitement and new-found happiness in these people's lives, and that makes it all worth it! Honestly, I wasn't sure how the spell casting business I created was going to pan out. I was sure I would be shot down by other's for doing this, and then there's the risk when you put yourself out there as a spell caster. There are so many out there who make legitimate spell casters look bad, and I've heard all the horror stories of fake casters who take the money, never to be heard from again. Also, casters who keep asking for more money to get a "curse" off of you, and then more and more money is requested. This type of business transaction is a load of crap. (That's not to say that some spells need to be repeated at times, but we try to keep that to an absolute minimum, due to the fact that our spell work has been very successful.) Yet, it makes me work just that much harder in order to please others and make them happy in their lives without the stress and fear of a caster possibly cursing them. I always make sure I give well-rounded advice which won't offend or cause anyone harm. You should never ever make someone feel upset, you want them to feel better after speaking to you and not feel threatened that they are going to have to pay hundreds even thousands of dollars to make their life better. No threats should ever be made, and photos (sometimes video) should be required from every spell caster in order to make sure the work has been done! Hint hint... Having said all of this, the day in the life of a spell caster is not all fun and games, it's REAL WORK! Customer service and compassion are necessary for being successful at spell casting on other's behalf. I will maintain this way of life and "profession" hopefully for many more moons. On that note, blessed be to all!

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