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Long & Happy Relationship Spell

Pentacle with raw stones
Pentacle with raw stones

When you have found someone special, someone you are falling in love with, this spell will increase the bond between you and that person. It does not "force" the bond, but rather magnifies each of your good qualities so that the other can see them more easily. Once everything good about you is magnified the other person naturally grows more and more fond of you. First of course, prepare your external sacred space and cast your circle around your altar. On the Friday during the third hour of darkness: Place a potted cyclamen in the room, and water the plant. Light three candles: Deep Red, Purple, and White Say aloud: "I ask the goddess Branwen to bestow true love to my union with ______." breathe your love into your heart. Place the red candle in front of the other candles. "I ask that this be done for the greater good and to harm none, so mote it be" Gaze at the flames in each candle, and when you are ready, snuff them out.

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