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"I'm a witch, but I don't do spells"

Sad and frustrated witch sitting down
Photo by Sick, Sad World

So, you've been a witch for quite sometime now, but have not popped your cherry yet on the forefront of actual spell casting. If you want to plant a garden, you have to get your hands dirty. I began my first attempt at spell work before I knew hardly anything about witchcraft. It was elating and life-changing. Coming from somebody who never would have guessed I would be a full-on Hoodoo Root Worker one day backed with a website...If you would've told me this would happen, I would have outright laughed... and hard. So you have decided to choose your path and become a witch, but yet haven't gotten the whole spell thing figured out yet. Hmmmm.... well there is a slight issue here. Now, don't get me wrong, there are many pagans who do not perform spells. Except, if you are the type of pagan/witch/root worker who considers themselves the type of spell worker who actually casts spells, well honey, we need to get you on the track to spell work asap! If it is your first time doing a spell, I suggest trying out protection spells, money spells, luck spells, and/or success spells. These are safe spells to try and get comfortable with, let alone they are very good spells to have cast for yourself! You only need one candle to start with. You can use olive oil to anoint your candle, or use the appropriate oil for the appropriate intention you have (protection oil for a protection spell for instance). Be sure to clean your candle before placing any oil on it, this will get any negativity off of the candle which may have passed to the candle from someone at the store or warehouse touching it. You never know where that candle has been, or been a good clean candle makes a great manifesting candle! I use Florida Water to clean my candles thoroughly, but you can also use rubbing alcohol, mild soap and warm water, or salt water which has been blessed.

Sat witch sittin next to her broom (sketch)
Photo by Midnightbluesonata on Deviant Art

Meditate. Use Your Intention. Manifest That Intention! When you chose to be a witch, you make a promise to yourself to follow a path. YOUR path. There is no right or wrong way about doing witchcraft, root work, etc. Trust your instincts and go with what feels right to you. If you feel like Lavender is something you need to add to a love spell, do it! It's not likely that other witch will scold you if they have any clue as to what you are doing with your own witchy path. It is none of their business unless you make it their business. Plus, if they do have opinions on the matter, listen closely and maybe you will learn a new thing or two. So just remember do not be afraid of spells. Learn everything you can. Read, read, and read some more! Hell, I even learn something new everyday. I still have to refer to Google in order to answer some questions that I have at times.

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