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Find Your Soul Mate Spell

Young Witch In Center of Pentagram with Surrounding Candles Holding a Skull.
Young Witch In Center of Pentagram with Surrounding Candles Holding a Skull.

If you don't have a love interest this spell is a great one for you. Each of us has a should mate, but not everyone finds theirs. This spell helps the universe draw out your soul mate and place him/her in your path. YOU WILL NEED: - 1 pale pink candle - 1 piece of paper - 1 blue pen - 1 rose scented incense stick - 1 bowl full of water Light the pink candle and write a list of what you look for in a man or woman on your piece of paper. Fold the piece of paper and hold it over the flame until it catches fire. As soon as it starts to catch fire, drop it in the bowl of water. Now light the rose scented incense stick. Think about your wish to find your soul mate and say the following spell 3x's: "I cast this spell,

for my true love to come, Let us cross paths, Let me find my other half. So mote it be" Allow the candle and incense to burn out completely.

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