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Enhance a Romantic Relationship

a Spring Equinox Altar
Spring Equinox Altar

Is something lacking in your relationship? Do you seek more romance, harmony, joy, or passion? Choose the ingredients that will increase what you desire. Pink candles for example, represent love and affection, whereas red ones represent passion. Select the aromatic oil you like best -- see the table at the beginning of this chapter for suggestions. -- 2 pink or red candles in candle-holders. -- A few drops of rose, ylang-ylang, jasmine, gardenia, vanilla or patchouli essential oil. -- Deck of tarot cards -- Matches or a lighter Best time to perform spell: During the waking moon, preferably on a Friday, or when the sun or moon is in Taurus or Libra. During the waxing moon, anoint the candles with the oil. Put a dot of oil on your heart to open it. From your deck of tarot cards, select the king and the Queen of cups (which stand for you and your partner) and the nine of cups (the wish card). Place the candles on your altar, and lay the three cards face up between the candles. Light the candles and state your wish. Be specific. Imagine it coming true. After a few minutes, extinguish the candles and place them in the area where you and your beloved will be spending time together. Whenever you are together in that room, make sure the candles are burning.

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