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Bring Back My Love Spell

Updated: Dec 5, 2018

Hoodoo Root Worker Casting a Spell
Hoodoo Root Worker Casting a Spell

This spell can bring back a former lover or end an argument between friends. - Two white candles - Picture of your lover or friend (ensure that he/she is alone in the photo) - A smiling photo of yourself - Bag of chamomile tea - Piece of Blue Cloth Time: 8 PM Ritual: Exactly 8 PM to light the candles and take a few deep breaths to relax. Try to imagine a peaceful environment, somewhere beautiful and wonderful. Now relaxed, keep the image of the person's hand and repeat these words: "To light the flame I'll light your desire. When I speak your name, You will feel my fire, With these candles I relight our desire" Say your name slowly 3 times before you put your pic face down on top of its order that the two images are together. Wrap the two images, with blue fabric bag. Put the package in a safe place. To make sure your ex gets the message to candles at 8 PM each night and say his/her name three times. Wait three weeks and it's done.

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