Danielin February

Nov 16, 20181 min

Spell To Attract Prosperity

Magickal Hand

The spell can be used for any kind of prosperity, but it works best for the fullness of inner peace,, the source of all true prosperity. When you truly believe you deserve prosperity, it comes to you effortlessly. Sage is a great herb for getting rid of negativity and cinnamon is excellent for boosting your creativity. Green, as you know, represents money and growth.

- 1 green candle

- Cauldron or fireproof ceramic or copper bowl

- Sprig of sage

- Pinch of cinnamon

Perform this spell on a new moon

On the night of the new moon, put the green candle in your cauldron or bowl, along with the sage Light them both. Sprinkle cinnamon into the flame as you say :

"I embrace prosperity and inner peace." Repeat these words and keep sprinkling cinnamon into the flame, until the cinnamon is gone. Let the candle and the sage burn down, then bury the remains in your yard or another place that holds meaning for you.
