Danielin February

Dec 5, 20182 min

Pile of Money Abundance Spell

A Single Black Candle with Tall Yellow Flame

Those who work consciously with the Law of Attraction know that like attracts like. The more we think about something, the more it shows up in our experience. The trick is to choose to focus positively rather than negatively. In other words, if we are focused on the lack of the thing we want, then we simply attract more lack.

All magic works via the Law of Attraction, ut this spell enacts it in a very direct way, by creating a visual display of financial accumulation that can be used as a talisman to keep your thoughts about finances positive.

The denomination of coins you use isn't important, but for best results, use nine coins of the same or similar size. You may want to use nine pennies, as their copper color is close to the vibrational frequency of gold.


- 1 Gold Candle
- Bergamot, cinnamon, and/or patchouli oil
- 9 same-sized coins
- Small cloth bag (optional)

Anoint candle with oil.

Now, light the candle, as you allow some wax to melt, visualize yourself literally sitting or lying upon a gigantic pile of valuable gold coins. Visualize the room entirely filled with gold coins, all of which are yours to do whatever you like with. (If you wish, you can include some paper money in your visualization--whatever you need to feel truly abundant in the most luxurious fashion possible).

When enough wax has melted, place one coin on your altar or work space and drop a bead of wax on top of it.

Quickly place the next coin on top in order to "glue" them together. As you do this, visualize the room filling with even more gold coins (or paper dollars).

Repeat the process of dripping a bead of wax onto the coin and stacking another on

top. Each time, visualize your finances expanding and increasing.

When all nine coins have been stacked on top of each other, hold the stack carefully in your hands and say the following words 3x's:

"My growing wealth is represented here in my hands.
As positive energy builds upon itself, my money expands."

Place the pile of money" on your altar, in your home office, or in the place where you conduct most of your financial business.

Each time you see it, quickly visualize the room filled with gold coins and express gratitude for the financial abundance in your life.

