Danielin February

Nov 16, 20182 min

Fidelity Spell

Witchcraft, just witchcraft...

This spell encourages fidelity, but before casting it consider your reasons for doing so. Do you just want to strengthen the bonds of trust between you and a partner? Or do you suspect that your significant other is being unfaithful. If so, do you really want to remain with this person?

4 votive candles (yellow, red, blue, and green)
1 object that represents your lover
1 object that represents you


Full moon is the best time to perform this spell.

Be sure to position your candles in a safe spot where they can't ignite. Place the yellow candle in the east with the space where you'll do your spell. Set the red one in the south, blue one in the west, and green one in the north. This defines the perimeter of the east....you cast the circle. But before you do this, make sure that you and the objects you've chosen to represent you and your partner are within the circle.

Face east and light the yellow candle. Breathe deeply and imagine your intellect as lucid, crystalline, capable of making good decisions.

Face south and light the red candle. Envision yourself and your lover passionately embracing.

Face west and light the blue candle, as you sense loving feelings flowing between you and your partner. Facet north, light the green candle, and imagine a strong bond of devotion, respect, and caring uniting you. When you have finished lighting the candles, stand facing the east and say:

"Winds of the east and the mind, keep (name of person)'s thoughts with me. So mote it be."

Turn to face the south and say:

"Fires of the south and passion, keep (name) close to me. So mote it be."

Turn and face west and say:

"Waters of our hearts, never do us part. So mote it be"

Turn and face north and say:

"Forces of the earth, keep our bodies together now and evermore. So mote it be."

Move to the center of the circle and say:

"This spell is done in harmony with Divine Will, our own true wills, and with good to all, harming none."

To open the circle, snuff out the candles in the reverse order, moving counterclockwise, then bury the remains together in your backyard., or under your bed
