Danielin February

Apr 18, 20202 min

Do's and Don't's of Witchcraft?


Book of Shadows Altar - Photographer Unknown

This is sort of a trick blog post if I say so myself...the answer to the title question is this: THERE ARE NO DO'S AND DON'T RULES IN WITCHCRAFT!! Even the Wiccans say, "Do As Thy Wilt" In other words, do what the hell you want as a witch! That is what it means to be on a path. A journey. Your own personal quest to see what works for you, what you do to manifest your work, and most importantly your learning experiences and just how far you are willing to go to become the type of witch you were called to be. Even if you don't know what that is yet, take the steps to find yourself in your new-found identity in this beautiful universe of magic!

To me, witchcraft is an infinite, endless, breathing entity. We look at witchcraft as a valid science. In science, as in life, there are trial and errors, successes and failures, and huge obstacles to overcome. In time, you should figure out what works and doesn't work. Adjust your technique and try again until something DOES manifest.

Once you free yourself from the bondage of rules that life is based on, especially if you were a christian prior to your calling as a witch...you will then experience a type of euphoria. Basically, when you get there you'll know it.

Pagan Pentagram Altar with Elemental Candles - Photographer Unknown

This also means that anyone can practice any type of witchcraft they wish to. Magic is not limited to race, gender, sex, sexual preference, former religions, etc. etc. I get real upset when I am confronted by others saying that their race is the only kind of people who can practice "their" type of magic. Native Americans have also been openly practicing different types of witchcraft for centuries, teaching others their craft. So have Africans, Haitians, the English, Irish, Gaelic....EVERY CULTURE HAS WITCHCRAFT and it is all free for the taking! Saying we are Pagans is like saying we are Human Beings....it encompasses all witches.

Like I was saying before, there are NO RULES in witchcraft. Who wrote the book or made the rule that says a type of free religion cannot be practiced by anyone except for a chosen few. I wish this type of racism will disappear from witchcraft altogether. People who bash others about what they practice or believe in do not need to be practicing magic....PERIOD. They clearly do not understand how magic really works. Racism has no place in witchcraft.

Magic should be a melting pot of positive people with positive ideas, helping each other on their personal path. There are so many witches out there in the world. You just have to know where to look. Try some witchcraft Facebook Groups first, that is my suggestion for new witches or those who need a little support and answers. You are free to join my group on Facebook: HTTPS://FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/ALLTHINGSBLESSEDBE
There are so many other really cool groups for witches, thousands and thousands of groups. Just type in Witchcraft or any other related word in your FB search, click the link "groups" and you will see endless places to choose from. You may even find a mentor or two! GO FOR IT 100% WITH YOUR GOALS AND DON'T LOOK BACK.

Gotta Love Stonehenge! - Photographer Unknown




