Danielin February

Dec 6, 20181 min

Desirability Spell

Heart in the Middle of an Astrology Wheel

Are you feeling like your love interest isn't noticing you or paying you any attention? Or are you craving a bit ore attention from the opposite sex? This spell is for you.

This spell is very easy -- not taking much time at all.


- 1 Red Candle
- Rose Oil or 100% Virgin Olive Oil

Place some Rose or Olive Oil on the candle to anoint it, going in upward strokes toward you. This is purifying the candle by doing this and rechanging it with desire.

Visualize your love interest/or men paying you lots of attention, being passionate towards you, and focus on the color red.

When you have finished visualizing, carve what you desire on the inside of the candle. (e.g. I want to be desired)

Light the candle and focus on getting the attention you desire for as long as needed. Then when you are ready, snuff out the candle.


