Danielin February

Dec 6, 20182 min

Be Free of Bad Karma Spell

Updated: Dec 30, 2018

And now the Spell to get rid of bad karma! The Karma Cleansing Spell!

Time to Cast the Spell:

Saturn (also known as the Planet of Witches), traditionally rules the past karma

while the Sun creates the future. So, if you want to release yourself of all negative vows, curses, spells and deed, then try this simple spell on a Saturday night (Saturday is the Day of Saturn).

Before the Spell:

Take a shower to cleanse your body end aura. You can use a Ritual Cleansing bath with salts empowered with sacred scents. You can get bath salts from our shop too.

Casting the Spell:

Take a white candle and anoint it with a banishing/cleansing or blessing oil (which you can also buy from our magic shop). If you prefer to use plain oils, lavender essential oil (always use diluted essential oils), olive oil or sunflower oil will do the job.   Anoint the candle from middle to bottom pointing away from yourself and then turn around the candle and anoint it from middle to wick, again pointing away from you. While doing so, concentrate on your wish to be released from all the negativity you’ve brought in your life and your karma.


Then light the candle and preferably some banishing, cleansing or blessing incense. Watch for a little while the flame of the candle while relaxing your body and your mind.   Chant “hum” for 27, 54 or 108 times.   Then say three times:   “I now wish to be free from my old deeds. I surrender myself to the Divine Grace (or any God you trust or any supreme power you believe in) asking all my mistakes to be undone and all my bad karma to be cleansed.”   Keep watching the flame and relaxing your mind allowing the Divine Grace (or any entity or power you have summoned) to act on you and and on your karma.

When you feel ready, chant “ram” for 27, 54, or 108 times.   Stay by the candle for as long as you feel like. Then let it burn to the end. Try not to interfere with it but always take all fire safety measures and never let a candle burning un-watched.   That’s it. Go to sleep and be awaken in a brighter new future.
